
Titles: Shadow of Fortune

Domains: Trickery

Symbol: A shadowy hand holding a sparkling gem, with a set of scales balancing it.

Alignment: CN

Power Rating: Demigod

Realms: Fujiwara

A figure wrapped in darkness, her eyes sparkle like distant stars in the night sky. Yumiko has nimble fingers, forever in motion, as if picking invisible locks or pocketing unseen treasures. She embodies the dichotomy of her domain, using theft as a means for redistribution and justice.

Yumiko was born from the whispers of the night, the desperation of the downtrodden, and the thrill of the heist. She has always been a paradox, a thief with a heart of gold. In a world often governed by unfair laws and social structures, she sees herself as a necessary counterbalance.

Thieves, spies, and those who seek justice outside the constraints of law often pray for Yumiko's favor. The oppressed and downtrodden also offer prayers, hoping she will balance the scales in their favor.

"The Night of a Thousand Coins": During a time when a cruel king hoarded wealth, Yumiko orchestrated a grand heist involving hundreds of her followers. By morning, the wealth was redistributed among the poor and sick. Many saw this as a divine intervention and Yumiko's temples swelled with new believers.

Lysa "Moonshade" Jareth: A rogue who became a legend for stealing a tyrant's crown right off his head during a public ceremony. Lysa runs a secret network that helps redistribute wealth, always one step ahead of the law, thanks to Yumiko's blessings.