Wallabee's Magic Emporium

We offer financing* for some of the best magic items** in the realm!

Want to increase any weapon you have to a +1, +2, or +3 weapon?! These powders can be rubbed on any weapon to do just that!

Get ready to feel the burn, my fiery-hearted friends, with our most incandescent invention yet: The Blazing Battalion! From the smoldering strokes of the Inferno Longsword to the scalding skewers of the Phoenix Pike, these armaments are ablaze with ardent power. Scorch the battlefield with the Ember Axe, set your enemies ablaze with the Cinder Chain, or light up the night with the Blazing Bow. If it's a swift flame you fancy, the Dragon's Breath Dagger is your sizzling solution. Remember, with the Blazing Battalion, your enemies won't just fear the heat—they'll feel it! Unleash the inferno, and let the world burn at your behest!

Ahoy, fellow chill-seekers! Presenting, "The Frosty Frolics of Frigid Fracas!"—a titillating tundra of terrifyingly frosty firepower! In our collection, you'll find icy implements of destruction that are so cool, they're sub-zero! From the subtly slicing Frostbite Dagger to the breathtaking Boreal Glaive, each piece promises an avalanche of action and a snowstorm of success. Embark on an arctic adventure like no other! Grab your glacial gear now, and remember—being cool has never been this hot!

The Jovial Juggernauts (Coming Soon!)

Feast your eyes upon "The Jovial Juggernauts!" Exclusively from Wallabee's Magic Emporium, these mirth-inducing, whimsical weapons are sure to lighten any battlefield atmosphere. With the Giggle Greatsword's contagious laughter, the illusion-inducing Prankster's Pike, the invisibility-granting Mirth Mace, the transformable Jest Javelin, the comical Snicker Scimitar, and the Chuckle Chakram that conjures a rubber chicken, there's enough fun to charm even the most serious of adventurers! Let laughter reign in your campaign with "The Jovial Juggernauts" and watch as merriment takes over.

Step right up and brace for impact, friends! Introducing the ultimate set of shockingly powerful armaments: The Voltborne Vanguard! From the thunderous crack of the Lightning Lash to the breathtaking spark of the Stormstrike Shortsword, these weapons bring the storm to your fingertips! Ride the lightning into battle with the Zephyr Javelin or rule the battlefield with the roaring might of the Thunderclap Halberd! This collection brings the raw, untamed fury of the storm into the palm of your hand, turning your foes into nothing but static shock victims. Get ready to electrify your adventures with The Voltborne Vanguard!

*In addition to standard transactions, The Emporium offers an Adventurer's Financing Option, henceforth referred to as "AFO." Through AFO, a Purchaser may acquire Wares by providing a down payment of 20% of the total cost of the chosen Ware, hereinafter referred to as the "Principal Sum."Upon approval of the AFO by The Emporium, the Purchaser is obligated to make scheduled weekly payments, henceforth referred to as "Installments," in order to fully cover the Principal Sum plus additional charges, hereinafter referred to as "Interest." The rate of Interest is determined at the sole discretion of The Emporium and is subject to fluctuations in accordance with the arcane indices of the realm.Failure to meet an Installment in full and in a timely manner, hereby defined as the delivery of the agreed upon sum to The Emporium within seven (7) days of the due date, will be considered a Breach of Agreement. In the event of a Breach of Agreement, The Emporium reserves the right to initiate Debt Retrieval Procedures (DRPs).DRPs may include but are not limited to the employment of collection agents, both corporeal and incorporeal, divination of the Purchaser's whereabouts, and the implementation of retrieval enchantments, curses, or geases. The nature, intensity, and persistence of DRPs are dictated solely by The Emporium and will persist until the resolution of the Breach of Agreement.By choosing the AFO, the Purchaser acknowledges and consents to all potential DRPs and forfeits any claim, legal or otherwise, against any discomfort, inconvenience, or misadventure arising from DRPs. The Purchaser's agreement to the AFO constitutes acceptance of these terms, which are binding and enforceable by the arcane principles governing finance and debt within the realm.Addendum to the Agreement: Regardless of the functional status of the Magical Characteristics of the Wares, the Purchaser is obligated to fulfill all Installments as per the terms of the AFO.The cessation, fluctuation, or dissipation of the Magical Characteristics of the Wares, whether through natural arcane decay, exposure to anti-magical fields, divine interference, or any other factor or cause, does not absolve the Purchaser of the responsibility to continue to make the scheduled Installments.The Purchaser's obligation to remit payment persists until the Principal Sum and all accrued Interest have been fully satisfied. This provision is irrespective of the condition, magical or otherwise, of the Wares. Failure to comply constitutes a Breach of Agreement and initiates the DRPs as detailed in the primary terms of the AFO.The Purchaser, by agreeing to the AFO, consents to this addendum and forfeits any right to dispute or contest this clause on the basis of the status, magical or otherwise, of the Wares. The terms and conditions of this Agreement and its addendum are binding and enforceable by the arcane principles governing finance and debt within the realm.
**By entering and engaging in a transaction within Wallabee's Magic Emporium, you, henceforth referred to as the "Purchaser," willingly enter into a tacit understanding, commonly referred to as the "Agreement," with Wallabee's Magic Emporium, hereinafter referred to as "The Emporium."The Emporium does hereby declare that all magical items, henceforth collectively referred to as "Wares," are sold on an "as is" basis. As such, the inherent magic, sorcery, enchantment, or other arcane properties imbued within or otherwise attached to the Wares, hereinafter referred to as "Magical Characteristics," may fluctuate, dissipate, or cease entirely without prior notice or discernible pattern.The Purchaser willingly acknowledges the inherent unpredictability and potential volatility of the Magical Characteristics and accepts all associated risks. The Emporium makes no guarantee, express or implied, about the duration, intensity, or practicality of the Magical Characteristics, including but not limited to the ability of said Magical Characteristics to function in proximity to antimagic fields, divine interference, or inclement weather.The Emporium is hereby absolved of any and all responsibility and liability for changes to or loss of the Magical Characteristics after the point of sale. The Purchaser, upon exchange of funds and possession of the Wares, forfeits any right to compensation, restitution, or recompense for variations in or cessation of the Magical Characteristics.Upon entering the Agreement, the Purchaser consents to waive any claim, legal or otherwise, against The Emporium and its representatives in relation to the performance and behaviour of the Wares or their Magical Characteristics. This Agreement is binding and enforceable by the universal principles governing arcane sales and transactions.