
Titles: The Amethyst Arbiter

Domains: Death

Symbol: His symbol is an amethyst skull with a pair of dragon wings unfurled behind it.

Alignment: NG

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: The Twilight Bastion of Canto's Mountains

Dragon Type: Gem - Amethyst

Sylexion, once human, now an Amethyst Dragon of majestic proportions, embodies the sober finality of death. His scales shimmer with an ethereal glow that seems to shift between the mortal plane and the afterlife. His eyes, deep wells of energy, are said to look into one's soul and weigh it with a mere glance.

Elevated to divinity by the enigmatic deity Cleason, Sylexion was transformed into an Amethyst Dragon, a being not born but made, destined to bridge the gap between life and death. His human past is a mystery, as he fully embodies his role as a divine shepherd of souls.

The Recruitment of Valor was not merely an event but an epoch-defining saga in the annals of the divine. It was a time of great turmoil in the mortal realms; wars ravaged the lands, and the fabric of reality trembled with the forces of chaos. The gods, watching the unfolding carnage, decreed that champions must rise to restore balance and order.

Sylexion, as the God of Death and Arbiter of Souls, was entrusted with a sacred duty. He traversed the boundaries between life and the hereafter, seeking those whose departing spirits burned with an extraordinary essence. His realm, the Twilight Bastion, became a crucible where the souls of the departed were not merely judged for their final rest but also scrutinized for a higher calling.

The process was rigorous. Souls were subject to the Amethyst Trial, a dangerous fight against the aspect of Sylexion. None succeeded.

Then came Kraig the Tall, a warrior whose life was a tapestry of valiant deeds but also stained by trusting those who were deceivers. Kraig was a paladin whose very name was a rallying cry in battles against darkness.

When Sylexion's spectral claws sifted through the essence of Kraig's soul, the god found a spirit blazing with an inner light that rivaled the stars. Here was a soul unblemished by fear or malice, a spirit as resilient as the diamonds that adorned Sylexion's draconic form.

With a nod of his great, crowned head, Sylexion ushered Kraig's soul through the tempest storm before Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, the King of the Good Dragons, and a deity of justice and honor. Bahamut gazed upon Kraig's soul and saw not only a warrior but a guardian for all that was just and good in the cosmos and bestowed a great axe of immense power unto him.

The Recruitment of Valor thus ended, its purpose fulfilled. Yet it remained a beacon of inspiration—a testament to the belief that even in death, greatness awaits those with the courage to embrace their destiny.