
Titles: Sovereign of the Searing Skies

Domains: Elemental (Fire)

Symbol: A crimson dragon silhouette against a backdrop of roaring flames, circumscribed by a circle of obsidian.

Alignment: NE

Power Rating: Lesser

Realms: The Ember Peaks

Dragon Type: Chromatic - Red

With scales that gleam like molten rubies under the sun, Brimflar is the very embodiment of fire's raw power. His eyes, burning with an intensity unmatched, see all that transpires in his vast domain. His wings, vast and formidable, whip up gusts of searing wind, while his roar resonates like the eruption of a thousand volcanoes.

Born from the heart of the world's most volatile volcano, Brimflar's rise to power was marked by a trail of scorched earth and smoldering ruins. His thirst for dominance knows no bounds, and he seeks to expand his territory with every passing moment, challenging any who dare stand in his path.

The "Conflagration Conquest" - A legendary event where Brimflar, upon reaching his full strength, challenged the gods of the skies for dominion over the heavens. The battle raged for a hundred days and nights, setting the skies ablaze and turning clouds into pillars of smoke. In the end, a truce was reached, and Brimflar was granted dominion over the Ember Peaks and the skies above them.