
Titles: Arcane Sentinel

Domains: Arcana

Symbol: A dragon's claw clutching a glowing rune

Alignment: LN

Power Rating: Demigod

Realms: The Enternal Vault

Dragon Type: Gem - Ruby

Vexnorial is an imposing figure, clad in armor that glows like molten rubies, his eyes ablaze with a fierce and protective light. His draconic form is sleek and powerful, with scales that seem to shimmer between solid and ethereal.

Vexnorial was born into a clan of Ruby Dragonborn, a rare and revered lineage known for their deep connection to arcane magic and dragon lore. From a young age, he showed an exceptional affinity for magic and a deep respect for the ancient traditions of dragonkind. Vexnorial's life was dedicated to protecting the ancient secrets and sacred sites of dragons. He became a master of wards and protective spells, often venturing into dangerous realms to secure lost artifacts and hidden knowledge.

Vexnorial's transformation into a true dragon was a rare and momentous event, known as the Rite of Ascension. The meteor shower that marked this event was not just a celestial phenomenon but a convergence of powerful arcane energies that reshaped his very essence. It was a sign that the dragon gods had recognized his devotion and granted him a higher form. As a deity, Vexnorial resides in The Eternal Vault, a mystical realm that houses the collective arcane knowledge and artifacts of dragonkind. This vault is said to exist in a space between planes, accessible only to those who have earned Vexnorial's trust or those who seek knowledge for noble purposes.

Vexnorial's primary role as a deity is to safeguard the arcane legacy of dragons. He is seen as the ultimate guardian of magical secrets, ensuring that this knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands or get used for malevolent purposes. Vexnorial is revered by mages, wizards, and scholars who seek to expand their knowledge of arcane magic. His followers often engage in the study and preservation of ancient magical texts, artifacts, and forgotten spells.

Temples dedicated to Vexnorial are often built as fortified libraries or vaults, where sacred texts and magical artifacts are stored. These temples are centers of magical learning, protected by powerful wards and enchantments. A secretive order of mages and dragonborn dedicated to Vexnorial. Members of this order are tasked with finding and protecting arcane knowledge, as well as serving as intermediaries between dragonkind and the mortal realms. Followers of Vexnorial celebrate the Night of Ascension, coinciding with meteor showers, as a remembrance of his transition to divinity. These festivals involve the sharing of arcane knowledge, magical demonstrations, and the initiation of new members into the Order of the Ruby Claw.

Myths and Artifacts

The Meteoric Gemstones: It is said that the meteorites from the Night of Ascension were imbued with Vexnorial's essence. These gemstones are highly sought after, believed to contain powerful arcane energy.

The Tome of Vexnorial: A legendary book that is rumored to contain the knowledge and spells collected by Vexnorial throughout his life. It is said to be hidden within The Eternal Vault, accessible only to the most worthy of arcanists.