
Titles: The Ember Sovereign

Domains: Elemental (Fire)

Symbol: A dragon's egg on fire.

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: Quasi-deity

Realms: The Blazing Expanse

Dragon Type: Chromatic - Red

Pyracend, a regal and towering red dragon, is the incandescent heartbeat of the inferno. Her scales are a tapestry of smoldering crimsons and burning oranges, each a testament to her fiery domain. Her eyes, like molten gold, reflect a world that bows to the primordial power of flame.

Spawned from the smoldering depths of Ignivomous's volcanic throne, Pyracend emerged as the apotheosis of her father's fiery essence. She was born amid a cataclysmic eruption that painted the sky with embers, a signal to the cosmos of her explosive entry into the pantheon.

It is said she is destined to exceed her father's power, in time.