
Titles: The Platinum Protector

Domains: Justice

Symbol: A platinum wing.

Alignment: LG

Power Rating: Prime

Realms: The Celestial Spire

Dragon Type: Metallic - Platinum

Towering above most other dragons, Bahamut's scales shimmer with a platinum hue, reflecting the purity and righteousness of his heart. His piercing red eyes are windows to ancient wisdom and unwavering fairness. He radiates an aura of hope and protection, offering solace to those in despair.

Paladins, Knights, Judges, and all those who seek justice and honor in their deeds are drawn to Bahamut. Many cities have temples dedicated to Bahamut, serving as both places of worship and courthouses.

In the vast expanse of time, before the first star sparkled in the night sky, Bahamut, the Platinum Protector, came into existence. His very essence was a beacon of righteousness, a stark contrast to the looming void that existed before creation itself. Born from the ethereal energies of balance and justice, he was destined to stand against the chaotic forces that threatened the equilibrium of the universe. As the ages rolled on and life began to sprout in various realms, Bahamut's presence became more defined. Wherever darkness sought to engulf the light, the mighty dragon's shadow was cast, acting as a shield against the malevolent. His very roars would summon storms that cleansed the lands, and his breath would breathe life into wilted corners of the worlds.

Yet, as with all things, where there is light, there is shadow. From the very corruption and tyranny Bahamut opposed, arose Tiamat, his corrupted counterpart. She, with her five menacing heads and eyes that burned with rage, was a manifestation of greed, envy, and treachery. Tiamat desired nothing more than to plunge the realms into an eternal abyss of chaos and servitude. Their battles were legendary. The skies would be set aflame with their fierce duels, mountains crumbled, and oceans roared. Each clash between these titans would reshape the landscapes, carving valleys and raising plateaus. Their struggles were not just of physical might but also of ideologies — the unyielding quest for justice and righteousness against the relentless tide of greed and deception. While many deities chose to remain neutral or even ignorant of the brewing storm, Bahamut's dedication to protecting the innocent never wavered. He rallied armies of metallic dragons, celestial beings, and mortals who believed in his cause. Together, they stood as a united front, pushing back against Tiamat's hordes of chromatic dragons and her fiendish allies.

Ancient scriptures and bardic tales are replete with stories of their confrontations. One such tale speaks of the Battle of Dawn's Edge, where Bahamut and Tiamat clashed for seven days and nights, neither giving an inch. The aftermath of this battle led to the creation of a new constellation, depicting the Platinum Dragon in his majestic glory, wings outstretched in a protective embrace around the realms he swore to defend. Despite the countless eons of conflict, Bahamut's resolve remains unwavering. For he knows that as long as darkness seeks to snuff out the light, his duty to the realms and their inhabitants will never end. He continues to inspire hope, ensuring that the fires of justice and honor never dim, no matter how overwhelming the odds.

In an era long past, where time seemed to halt its relentless march and every breath hung heavy with foreboding, the world teetered on the brink of annihilation. This period, now reverently known as "The Great Balance," stands as a testament to the sheer will and power of those who believed in harmony and justice.

The skies were shrouded in a perpetual night, painted with dark crimson and malevolent purples, the very colors of Tiamat's fury. Her thirst for dominance had summoned an unparalleled era of darkness, and her legions of chromatic dragons terrorized the lands, skies, and seas. Every corner of the world echoed with their roars of conquest, and the very fabric of reality threatened to unravel.

In the face of this overwhelming shadow, Bahamut, the Platinum Protector, rose. He rallied his metallic brethren - golds, silvers, bronzes, coppers, and brasses. Alongside them stood an army of paladins, clerics, and righteous warriors, all of whom shared a singular vision: to restore the world's equilibrium. Yet, for all their might and unity, the odds were heavily stacked against them. Tiamat's forces were vast and relentless.

In the darkest hour, when hope seemed a distant memory, whispers of an ancient and mysterious breed of dragons reached Bahamut's ears. These were the Gem Dragons, elusive and neutral beings, each embodying the essence of precious stones - amethysts, crystals, emeralds, sapphires, and topazes. Though historically indifferent to the struggles between metallic and chromatic dragons, the devastation wrought by Tiamat had even affected their secluded realms. Recognizing the gravity of the situation and the potential extinction of dragonkind's very essence, the Gem Dragons convened. Led by Sardior, the Ruby Dragon and their de facto leader, they decided to lend their formidable powers to Bahamut's cause.

With the Gem Dragons' arrival, the tides of the war shifted dramatically. Their unique magics, combined with the might of the metallic dragons and the unyielding spirit of the righteous warriors, breathed new life into the beleaguered forces of balance. The skies resonated with the harmonious roars of dragons united in purpose, their combined might creating a spectacle of shimmering scales and raw power.

The final battle raged on for ten long years, each moment an eternity, every clash echoing through the annals of time. Lands were reshaped, and entire mountains were reduced to rubble. But from the ashes of war rose a renewed world. Emerging victorious, Bahamut, with the unwavering support of the Gem and Metallic Dragons, vanquished Tiamat and her legions. With her defeat, the dark shroud that had enveloped the world began to lift, giving way to a new dawn.

In the aftermath, "The Great Balance" became more than just a reference to the world's restored equilibrium. It symbolized the unity of dragonkind, the importance of every shade and hue working together, and the unyielding spirit of those who stand up against insurmountable odds. The world would never forget the sacrifices made and the heroes who arose in its direst hour.

Kraig the Tall, a paladin who embodies the values of Bahamut reigns as his chosen champion. With his divine smite, he banishes the wicked and heals the innocent. Kraig is known for his unyielding pursuit of justice and his dedication to Bahamut's teachings.