
Titles: The Once Wingless

Domains: Redemption (previously pain)

Symbol: A pair of wings enflamed, bound by a circle of thorns representing the pain of the past and the courage to rise beyond it.

Alignment: CG

Power Rating: Quasi-deity

Realms: The Crucible of Rebirth

Dragon Type: Chromatic - Brown

Oroglyn is a colossal dragon, whose scales shimmer like smoldering embers against a night sky. Once wingless and bound to the scorched earth, he now soars with vast, fiery wings that embody the transformative power of redemption. His eyes, once filled with the sorrow of his painful past, now gleam with the light of hope and the fire of a warrior spirit.

Oroglyn’s saga is a tapestry of agony and enlightenment, with his existence woven into the darkest and brightest of threads. Born to Ignivomous, the embodiment of volcanic fury and devastation, Oroglyn was shaped in the cradle of chaos and suffering. His kin soared on wings of terror, casting shadows over lands that quivered at their approach, but Oroglyn, cruelly wingless, could only gaze skyward with envy and bitterness, his heart heavy with unspent wrath.

As the god of Pain, he walked the mortal realms, his every step a harbinger of grief. Villages despaired at his approach, and kingdoms fell silent as he passed. He was the growl of thunder without rain, the quake without solace, the wound without healing. To invoke his name was to speak of nightmares made flesh.

Yet, in the cataclysmic conflict between Bahamut and Tiamat, where the skies tore with the roar of divine contention, Oroglyn felt the stirrings of something dormant within his ancient heart. He saw the relentless greed of Tiamat, the selfless valor of Bahamut, and amidst the cosmic violence, he saw a glimpse of what he could become—a being unchained from the legacy of his birth.

In a stand that would forever alter the celestial planes, Oroglyn turned upon the forces of his draconic sire, standing as a bulwark against the very essence of his own beginnings. With a roar that split mountains and hearts alike, he declared his fealty to Bahamut, and in doing so, he tore free from the shackles of his fate as a bringer of pain.

Bahamut, recognizing the purity of his conversion and the depths of his regret, bestowed upon Oroglyn the gift of glorious wings, vast and radiant, that burned with the flames of atonement and soared on the updrafts of hope. With this act, Oroglyn shed his skin of suffering and emerged anew, not as a mere god, but as a symbol of the transformative power of redemption.

Oroglyn's wings did more than lift him above the ashen wastes of his past—they became a beacon to all who sought to change their stars. His story resonated across realms and through the hearts of the penitent. His wings carried not only his weight but also the aspirations of all those who would follow his path from damnation to deliverance.

Now, in the Crucible of Rebirth, amidst the ruins of his previous existence, Oroglyn presides with a compassionate gaze. From the scorched soil of remorse, the seeds of new beginnings sprout forth, for where once there was only pain, there now lies the promise of salvation—a testament to the unyielding will of Oroglyn, the Winged Redeemer.

Sir Vindor, the Penitent Blade, a knight who once served an evil overlord but, inspired by Oroglyn, led a revolt that toppled the regime he helped maintain. He now bears the title of Oroglyn's Champion, a hero among the redeemed.