
Titles: The Chaos Matriarch

Domains: Chaos

Symbol: A circular emblem displaying five dragon heads fanned out around its edge, their maws open in roars, with a chaotic whirl of colors at the center.

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: Greater

Realms: Abyssal Palace

Dragon Type: Chromatic - Red, Blue, Black, White, Green

Tiamat is a fearsome goddess with five heads, each representing the colors of the most malevolent chromatic dragons—red, black, green, blue, and white. Her form is colossal, her scales are as thick as fortress walls, and her wings blot out the sun as she takes flight.

From the primordial chaos, Tiamat emerged as the sovereign of entropy, her essence a fathomless chasm from which the chromatic dragons sprung forth. As diverse as the chaotic forces they embody, her brood dispersed to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, carrying with them a spark of their progenitor's capricious spirit. Their existence weaves a complex tapestry of power and subterfuge, with Tiamat's will as the enduring thread that binds the pattern.

While Tiamat is worshipped as the mother of chromatic dragons, not all of her progeny remain loyal to her tumultuous creed. Some have sought their own paths, forsaking the chaos of their birthright for goals more insidious or, in rare cases, even noble. These renegades serve as a reminder to Tiamat of the nature of chaos — it cannot be controlled, only embraced.

Despite the occasional discord within her ranks, Tiamat's influence persists, undiminished. Her cunning is as deep as the abyss, and her patience is timeless. She bides her time, knowing that the strands of fate she has woven through the ages will one day converge to hoist her to her rightful place of supremacy once again.

In the celestial dance of deities and demigods, Tiamat's relationships are as volatile as the elements she commands. Her clashes with the likes of Bahamut, the god of justice, and other deities are the stuff of legend, sparking wars among the stars and forging alliances fraught with tension and betrayal. Yet even her divine peers must acknowledge the raw essence of creation that she embodies: from the swirling chaos, the potential for new beginnings emerges, as well as the inevitability of ruin.

The cosmos echoes with the whispers of Tiamat's eventual resurgence, a resurgence prophesied to herald an era of upheaval. The faithful and the fearful alike offer their prayers, for though some of her children may stray, Tiamat's essence is indomitable, her desire unquenchable. With each cycle of destruction and rebirth, her legend grows, a testament to the enduring nature of chaos and the unyielding power of the Dragon Queen. Her reign, as inevitable as the turning of the stars, will come again, and the universe will tremble at the roar of Tiamat, the Chaos Matriarch.

The Fracturing of Scales was a cataclysmic event where Tiamat attempted to ascend as the supreme deity of all dragonkind. This led to a great war between the chromatic and metallic dragons, fracturing the dragon pantheon. The betrayal of some of her chromatic dragons and the intervention of the gem dragons was instrumental in the conflict, which eventually culminated in Tiamat's temporary banishment.