
Titles: The Diamond Sentinel

Domains: Nature (Earth - Mineral)

Symbol: Cleason's symbol is a diamond silhouette with a topaz flame at its heart.

Alignment: NG

Power Rating: Greater

Realms: The Diamon Bastion

Dragon Type: Gem - Topaz / Diamond

Cleason's imposing form is a spectacle of natural beauty and elemental force. As a gem dragon, their scales shimmer with the golden luster of topaz, while the massive, multifaceted diamond embedded in their chest pulses with arcane energy. Their eyes glint with wisdom, reflecting a soul that has witnessed the unfolding of eons.

Within the deepest sanctum of the Worldspine Mountains, where the roots of the earth draw from the core’s ancient magic, a geode of immeasurable magnitude lay undisturbed since the world’s inception. It was within this crystalline cocoon, veined with the precious metals and gems that would come to mirror its inhabitant’s splendor, that Cleason was formed. The mountain itself was a sacred place, having been touched by Bahamut's celestial grace, its every stone and crystal singing with the god's silent approval.

Legend speaks of the skies darkening and the ground trembling as the time of Cleason’s emergence approached. Prophets and soothsayers, attuned to the whispering of the stones, foretold the coming of a being who would bring equilibrium to the chaotic throes of the earth and sky. It was said that Bahamut’s own breath, a gale of divine essence, filled the geode’s chambers, stirring the elements into life.

Cleason’s birth was not a singular event but a gradual awakening, as the geode's exterior cracked and groaned with the promise of revelation. As the dragon finally broke free, the mountain’s peak shone with the light of a thousand gemstones, a beacon calling the faithful to witness the arrival of the new guardian of the material and the ethereal.

The dragon’s every scale was a facet of wisdom, their eyes pools of deep knowledge reflecting the balance of power they were to uphold. Bahamut had imbued Cleason with a deep connection to the world's bones, granting the ability to feel the world’s pulse, to hear the mountains’ breath, and to speak with the stones' silent tongues. With the resonance of the gemstone dragon’s first roar, a wave of harmony spread through the veins of the world, aligning ley lines and calming raging volcanoes, a testament to the era of balance that had begun.

This equilibrium, however, was not merely physical but spiritual as well. Cleason was to stand sentinel against the tides of greed and the destructive lust for the world's hidden riches. Their presence was a reminder that wealth unearned could be a path to downfall and that the treasures of the earth were to be respected, not exploited.

And so, Cleason, the Diamond Sentinel, took their place in the pantheon of the world's custodians, a bridge between the deep places of the world and the soaring heights of the heavens, an embodiment of the balance that Bahamut’s blessing promised.

The Battle of Diamond's Flame saw Cleason play a crucial role in Bahamut's stratagem against Tiamat. Cleason disrupted the labyrinthine tunnels of Tiamat's underlings, causing disarray among her forces and allowing Bahamut's champions to strike with precision.