School of Infiltration
Subclass of: Wizard
In the bustling, labyrinthine city of Oddberg, where towering arcane spires cast shadows over the twisting alleys of the underworld, an unlikely alliance was forged—one between the prestigious Oddberg Arcanum and the elusive Gilded Knives, the city’s notorious Thieves’ Guild. Born from necessity during the Mage Wars, this partnership sought to train operatives capable of circumventing magical security, outwitting divination wards, and thriving where traditional magic failed. The School of Infiltration emerged as a covert discipline, blending arcane study with the guild’s expertise in subterfuge. These wizards became masters of shadow and science, wielding both warping technology and refined spellcraft to bypass protections that neither thieves nor mages could crack alone. Today, their graduates walk the line between espionage and academia, their allegiance as fluid as the disguises they wear.
Wizards of the School of Infiltration are masters of stealth, deception, and technological ingenuity. These arcane operatives blend their magical prowess with advanced warping technology to bypass security measures, escape confinement, and neutralize antimagic effects. Whether acting as spies, saboteurs, or clandestine rescue specialists, these wizards are unparalleled in their ability to move unseen, disable magical defenses, and disrupt enemy operations with scientific precision.
Through warping devices and arcane overclocking, these infiltrators can manipulate energy fields, augment their spellcasting, and even override antimagic barriers.
You are trained in deception and stealth to aid in your covert operations.
You gain proficiency in Thieves’ Tools and the Stealth and Deception skills.
You can take the Hide action as a Bonus Action while in dim light or darkness.
Your knowledge of warping technology allows you to create powerful field effects using arcane augmentation. Instead of relying solely on magic, you integrate warp technology into your toolkit.
Warp Charges
You have a number of Warp Charges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
You regain all expended charges when you finish a long rest.
Warps Known
At 2nd level, you learn three Warps from the Warp List. You learn an additional Warp at 6th and 10th levels.
Warps do not require spell slots but instead consume Warp Charges.
A Warp’s Charge Cost is indicated in its description.
Warps do not count as spells and cannot be counterspelled, dispelled, or copied into a spellbook.
Audio Bug
Plant a sound-recording device for up to 1 hour. - (1 Warp Charge)
Activation: You use an action to place a small, nearly invisible recording device on a surface or person within 5 feet.
Duration: 1 hour (or until removed).
Effect: The bug continuously records all sounds within 30 feet. You can retrieve and replay the recording at any time. If you are within 300 feet, you can also listen in real-time by tuning into the bug’s frequency.
Stealth Mechanics:
A creature can detect the bug with a DC 14 Perception check if they are actively searching for listening devices.
It can be removed with a successful Dexterity check (DC 14) or destroyed if it takes 1 point of damage
Dimensional Anchor
Prevents teleportation and plane shift effects within a 10-ft radius for 1 minute. - (3 Warp Charges)
Activation: You use an action to deploy an energy field disruptor at a point within 30 feet.
Duration: 1 minute.
Any creature attempting to teleport, use Plane Shift, Misty Step, or any teleportation magic within a 10-foot radius of the anchor must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw. On failure, the effect fails, and the spell slot is wasted. If the saving throw rolled is less than your Intelligence modifier, you may choose a point within range that they are instead teleported to.
Creatures already affected by Blink or similar spells must make a DC 18 saving throw or be forced back into the material plane.
This effect also prevents summoned creatures from being dismissed while within the area.
Disrupt Magic
Suppresses a magical effect for 1 round. - (3 Warp Charges)
Activation: You use an action to unleash a pulse of energy that interferes with magical effects.
Duration: 1 round.
Choose one magical effect, spell, or magical item within 30 feet.
That effect is suppressed until the start of your next turn.
If the effect is from a spell of 6th level or lower, it is automatically suppressed for the duration.
If the effect is from a spell of 7th level or higher, the caster must make a DC 18 Arcana check. On failure, the effect is suppressed.
Magical Items:
A +1 weapon, shield, or similar item temporarily loses its magical properties for 1 round.
Artifacts and legendary items are immune to this effect.
Create a semi-real holographic disguise for 10 minutes. - (2 Warp Charges)
Activation: You use an action to project a semi-realistic holographic illusion over yourself.
Duration: 10 minutes or until dismissed.
Effect: You can make yourself appear 1 foot taller or shorter, change clothing, or even mimic another humanoid creature you have seen.
The illusion only affects appearance—it does not alter voice, touch, or scent.
If physically touched or scrutinized, a creature can make a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize the disguise as an illusion.
While disguised, you gain advantage on Deception checks to pass as someone else.
If using this disguise to hide your identity, creatures must make a DC 16 Insight check to see through your act.
Security Jammer
Disrupts surveillance for 1 minute. - (2 Warp Charges)
Activation: You use an action to emit a localized interference signal.
Duration: 1 minute or until dismissed.
All non-magical surveillance systems (such as cameras, sensors, or alarms) within 30 feet are disabled for the duration.
Magical surveillance effects (such as scrying sensors, Arcane Eye, or alarm spells) must make a DC 16 Arcana check or be suppressed for 1 minute.
Affected magical surveillance attempts can retry their check each round to reactivate.
You are aware of all surveillance that were affected by this action, as well as when they reactivate.
You can use a bonus action to move the jamming effect up to 30 feet per round while active.
Arcane Overclock
You have learned to overcharge your arcane power, allowing your magic to overcome antimagic effects and temporarily enhance its potency.
Overcharge: When you cast a spell that requires Concentration, you can delay the first concentration check by 1 round. This sacrifices your reaction.
Double Concentration: Once per long rest, you can maintain two Concentration spells at the same time for 1 round. At the end of your turn, you must choose one to end. This sacrifices your reaction.
Antimagic Disruption: Once per long rest, you can target a spell you cast, causing it to function normally in an Antimagic Field or against an antimagic effect. This does not apply to Warps.
Mass Unlock
You have yet to meet a lock that you can’t bypass.
As an Action, you can release a pulse of arcane or warping energy in a 30-foot radius.
All nonmagical locks in range are instantly unlocked.
Magical locks and barriers must make a DC 15 Arcana check or be suppressed for 1 minute.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Unseen Threat
Your infiltration skills allow you to move undetected, even in the presence of antimagic.
You learn the Greater Invisibility spell if you don’t already know it.
As an Action, you can cast Greater Invisibility on yourself (or Invisibility on yourself and one other creature) without expending a spell slot or requiring components.
This invisibility ignores antimagic effects and does not require Concentration.
While invisible this way, you have Advantage on Stealth checks.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.