
Titles: The Betrayer of Secrets

Domains: Knowledge

Symbol: A horned green dragon's head, mouth agape with a forked tongue, wrapped around a black tree with roots entangled in a circle.

Alignment: LE

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Whispering Thicket

Dragon Type: Chromatic - Green

Eclipsera is a formidable green dragon whose scales shimmer with a multitude of emerald hues. With piercing red eyes, Eclipsera exudes an aura of majestic dread.

Born from a brood of chromatic dragons, Eclipsera was always an outcast, more interested in the secrets of magic and the whispered truths of the forest than in amassing treasure or power. Eclipsera's cunning and knowledge grew with age, and so did a secret disdain for Tiamat's rule.

Eclipsera's most notorious act was the betrayal of Tiamat and the chromatic dragons. During a great conclave, Eclipsera revealed pivotal secrets to Bahamut that led to Tiamat's temporary downfall, earning the eternal enmity of her own kind.