
Titles: Verdant Guardian

Domains: Nature

Symbol: A green dragon coiled around an oak tree that bears a single, luminous fruit.

Alignment: CG

Power Rating: Demigod

Realms: The Everbloom Expanse

Dragon Type: Chromatic - Green

Noxendria is the embodiment of the living forest, a colossal green dragon whose every breath gives life and whose roar commands the growth of all flora. Moss and vines drape over her verdant scales, and flowers bloom in the wake of her gentle steps. Her eyes glimmer with the depth of ancient woods, and her presence is both a nurturing embrace and a stern warning to those who would harm her sacred groves.

The Bloom of a Thousand Years, when a blighted land was reborn overnight into a lush forest haven. It is said that Noxendria's tears fell upon the earth, each one giving life to acres of trees, flowers, and plants.

In the beginning, when the world was but a whisper of what it would become, the first tree, Arboleth (later known as the World Tree of Rotania), pierced the fabric of the firmament with its mighty crown, its branches caressing the stars. It was from the heartwood of Arboleth that Noxendria was born, not merely as a creature of flesh and blood but as a manifestation of the world's verdant soul. As Arboleth's roots delved into the heart of the earth, Noxendria's spirit intertwined with the very essence of nature, becoming one with the burgeoning forests that carpeted the world.

As the eons passed, Noxendria's form took shape, reflecting the majesty of the woodlands she was born to shield. With every sapling that broke through the soil, her power grew; with every tree that fell, her heart ached. She was there when the first leaves unfurled to embrace the sun, and she mourned in silence as storms and flames laid waste to her charges. In every cycle of bud and bough, her spirit resonated with the eternal dance of life and death.

With the coming of mortals, Noxendria's vigil became one not only of natural cycles but of stewardship against the encroachment of civilizations that did not understand the sacred balance. She taught the first druids the language of the leaves, showed them the secrets hidden in the veins of the world, and imbued them with the power to protect and nurture. She rejoiced in their respect for nature and in turn, offered them her blessings, her magic woven into the very fabric of their beings.

Yet with growth comes pain, and Noxendria suffered as she watched parts of her domain fall to the axe and saw, as forests were felled for wood and land. But from this pain, her resolve hardened, and her protection became a fierce, primal force. For every tree cut down, she ensured two more would rise; for every poisoned river, she cleansed its waters a hundredfold.

Noxendria, the Verdant Guardian, remains a paradox of tender growth and untamed wild. Her ferocity in protecting the natural world is as necessary as it is fearsome, for she knows the delicate balance upon which all life hangs. And in her breath, the promise of nature's resurgence whispers, a reminder that the forests will endure as long as she stands sentinel — a mother, a guardian, and the eternal spirit of the wilds.