
Titles: The Golden Tyrant

Domains: War

Symbol: A golden dragon’s head with a jeweled crown, encircled by a ring of obsidian flames.

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Gilded Inferno

Dragon Type: Metalic - Golden

Abyssathar is an imposing dragon who reveals in taking the form of a dragonborn, sheathed in ornate golden armor that gleams ominously. A pair of curled horns protrude from his head, signaling his regal status. His eyes burn with a fiery intensity, betraying a mind as sharp as the blade he wields.

Abyssathar was once a young drake, wandering the infernal chasms of the underworld. Upon discovering a vast treasure trove protected by ancient guardians, he conquered them and claimed the golden armor he now wears. With each conquest, his power and dominion expanded, and soon he ruled over both vast armies and unimaginable wealth.

The Battle of Obsidian Spires, where Abyssathar's legions clashed with celestial warriors in a conflict that reshaped the very fabric of the realms. The skies rained molten gold, and the aftermath left a portion of the celestial realm forever scarred with dark, twisted spires.

Gravald the Indomitable, a once-human warlord who was granted draconic features by Abyssathar in recognition of his unparalleled combat prowess and loyalty. Gravald commands a significant portion of Abyssathar's legions and is feared throughout the realms.