The Frosty Frolics of Frigid Fracas

Blizzard Flail

Rarity: Rare

Price: 1,999 gp

This +1 flail has a head made of enchanted ice shards. On a hit, the target takes an additional 2d4 cold damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 14) or be knocked prone as the icy impact sweeps them off their feet.

Boreal Glaive

Rarity: Very Rare

Price: 18,999 gp

This +2 glaive appears to be carved from a single, solid piece of enchanted ice that's as hard as steel. The edge of the blade shimmers with a chilling frost. On a hit, the glaive deals an extra 1d8 cold damage. Additionally, you can use an action to slam the butt of the glaive into the ground, emitting a wave of freezing air. Each creature within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 16) or take 2d6 cold damage and have their speed reduced by half until the end of their next turn due to the encroaching frost.

Frostbite Dagger

Rarity: Rare

Price: 1,500 gp

This +1 dagger glistens with a constant sheen of frost. When you hit a creature with it, the target takes an extra 1d6 cold damage. Additionally, if you score a critical hit, the target is slowed by the biting cold until the end of their next turn, halving their speed.

Glacial Greataxe

Rarity: Very Rare

Price: 23,999 gp

This +2 greataxe is crafted from magically hardened ice that never melts. On a hit, it deals an extra 2d6 cold damage, and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or have their speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn due to the freezing chill.

Rime Rapier

Rarity: Very Rare

Price: 12,999 gp

This +2 rapier is surrounded by a constant chill aura. On a hit, the target takes an extra 1d8 cold damage. If you score a critical hit, the target is also frozen in place, becoming restrained until the end of their next turn.

Winter's Wrath Longbow

Rarity: Rare

Price: 2,999 gp

This +1 longbow is made from frosted yew and strung with threads of frost spider silk. It turns any arrow it fires into an icicle mid-flight. The arrow deals an extra 1d4 cold damage on a hit. Additionally, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 13) or be unable to take reactions until the start of its next turn as the cold numbs its reflexes.

Ah, of course, let's not forget the little fine print, shall we? Now, my esteemed customers, do be aware that the duration of the frosty features of our weapons, as described in the "Frosty Frolics of Frigid Fracas!" collection, are, shall we say, subject to the whims of the arcane energies that imbue them. Now, that's just a fancy way of saying that, well, magic can be a fickle friend. While our illustrious armaments are crafted with the utmost care and imbued with the chilliest of charms, the continuation of their cryogenic capabilities may, hypothetically, be influenced by a myriad of factors including but not limited to cosmic alignments, interplanar interference, and exposure to pesky anti-magic fields. Remember, folks, even the most frigid frost has to thaw eventually, right? But no worries! Any potential, purely hypothetical, minor variance in functionality should not detract from your enjoyment of these magnificent magical masterpieces! Enjoy responsibly!