The Voltborne Vanguard

Bolt Bracers

Rarity: Rare

Price: 1,999 gp

This +1 pair of cestus shimmer with electric energy. When you hit with an unarmed strike using the cestus, the target takes an extra 1d4 lightning damage. In addition, you have resistance to lightning damage while wearing them.

Lightning Lash

Rarity: Rare

Price: 2,999 gp

A +1 whip that flickers like a live wire. On a successful hit, it deals an additional 1d6 lightning damage. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to cause the whip to crack loudly, forcing a creature of your choice within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of your next turn.

Stormstrike Shortsword

Rarity: Rare

Price: 4,500 gp

A +1 shortsword that crackles with electricity. When you hit a creature with this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage.

Tempest Trident

Rarity: Very Rare

Price: 23,999 gp

A +2 trident that sparks with electricity. Upon a successful hit, it deals an extra 1d8 lightning damage. Furthermore, once per long rest, you can cast the spell 'Call Lightning' (3rd level) using the trident.

Thunderclap Halberd

Rarity: Very Rare

Price: 28,999 gp

This +2 halberd pulses with storm energy. On a successful hit, it deals an additional 1d8 lightning damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be deafened until the start of your next turn.

Zephyr Javelin

Rarity: Rare

Price: 3,999 gp

This +1 javelin is always surrounded by a faint hum. When thrown, it transforms into a bolt of lightning, turning any hit into a critical hit. The target, and all creatures within a line 5 feet wide between you and the target, must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Delightful patron, allow me to weave the intricate web of our "small script" agreement pertaining to The Voltborne Vanguard set. Understand that the electrical essence of our weapons, while meticulously maintained and marvelously manifested, is beholden to the capricious currents of the arcane world. This charming bit of complexity implies that magic, much like the weather, tends to have its highs and lows. Even as our weapons are ingeniously infused with the potency of a thousand storms, the persistence of their electric enchantment might, under extraordinary circumstances, be swayed by such diverse factors as astral alignments, dimensional disruptions, or the inconvenient presence of anti-magic zones. You know how it is, right? Even the most vivid lightning eventually fades into the rumbling thunder. Yet, fear not! These theoretical, quite improbable fluctuations in functionality will not dampen the dynamism of your electrifying exploits! Use with a dash of daring!