
Titles: Fate Changer

Domains: Fate (Revoked)

Symbol: A Golden Needle

Alignment: LN

Power Rating: Greater

Realms: Oerth (Decided Destiny)

Seraphina embodies the intricate dance between the predetermined and the unforeseen. She is believed to be both the weaver and the arbiter of destiny. With eyes that shimmer like constellations and hair flowing like the river of time, she moves with a grace that transcends mortal comprehension. Her ethereal beauty is accentuated by robes made of threads of fate, ever-shifting and reflecting the myriad destinies of all living beings.

Seraphina was once a mortal with an exceptional gift for understanding the patterns of destiny. During a tumultuous era in Greyhawk, when chaos reigned and futures were uncertain, Seraphina's insights became a beacon of hope for many. She did not merely predict destiny; she perceived the intricate dance of choices, actions, and consequences. This dance revealed that while some destinies are predetermined, others are influenced by the ever-shifting tide of decisions and events.

As her renown spread, divine entities recognized her unparalleled understanding of fate's fabric. They elevated her to the pantheon, where she was tasked with maintaining the balance between fate and free will. As the goddess of fate, Seraphina believed that while some destinies are written in the stars, others can be reshaped by mortal hands.

Her divine realm, the Decided Destiny, is an ethereal tapestry of interconnected destinies. Here, Seraphina weaves the threads of fate, but always with spaces left blank, signifying the realm of choices yet to be made.

Despite her divine status, a rift exists between Seraphina and another deity, Aelinthra. While Aelinthra interprets the designs of fate, Seraphina believes in her right to control and shape it. This ideological divide has created tensions, as Seraphina often attempts to assert her dominion over destiny's course.

Known as the Seekers of Destiny, her followers range from scholars and diviners to ordinary individuals seeking clarity in their life's path. They believe that by understanding the design of destiny and aligning themselves with Seraphina, they can find purpose and direction.

"The Epoch of Choices" - A time when the divine stood at a crossroads, fate was all there was to determine how the realm should proceed during a terrible cosmic ultimatum. Aelinthra and Seraphina fought and waged holy war on each other and their disciples to determine who would shape the future. While both sides won considerable divine allies, Aelinthra prevailed and fate was allowed to continue based on the decisions of mortals. The prevent Seraphina from intervening further, her divine power is currently restrained by EO.

Elara Starweaver - A mortal seer who, inspired by Seraphina's teachings, championed the idea that while destiny has its design, it is malleable in the hands of those who dare to challenge it. Adorned with robes resembling Seraphina's ethereal attire, Elara travels Greyhawk, teaching the power of choice and the beauty of destiny's dance.