Bargain Bin

Cloak of Subtle Warmth

Rarity: Common

Price: 20 gp

Description: A thin but well-made cloak that adjusts to the wearer’s body heat.

Powers: Provides comfort in cold weather, preventing mild effects of exposure such as exhaustion due to cold (but not extreme freezing conditions).

Everlight Stone

Rarity: Common

Price: 10 gp

Description: A small, smooth stone that emits a soft, warm glow when held.

Powers: Sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius when held or placed nearby. The light can be turned on or off by a simple command word.

Folding Cookpot

Rarity: Common

Price: 15 gp

Description: A small, collapsible metal pot that easily fits into a backpack.

Powers: When unfolded, it becomes a full-sized cookpot capable of holding enough food to cook a meal for four people. Cleans itself when collapsed. 


Rarity: Common

Price: 10 gp

Description: A palm-sized stone that, when held, provides a gentle warmth.

Powers: The stone remains warm to the touch for up to 8 hours, making it useful for keeping warm in cold conditions or heating small amounts of food without fire.

Pouch of Endless Tinder

Rarity: Common

Price: 15 gp

Description: A small leather pouch containing seemingly endless dried twigs and tinder for starting fires.

Powers: Provides enough tinder for one fire per day. Never runs out, making it perfect for starting campfires without searching for fuel.

Repellent Salve

Rarity: Common

Price: 10 gp

Description: A small jar of salve that, when applied, wards off insects and pests.

Powers: Applying this salve provides protection from insects for 12 hours, preventing bites and repelling swarms of small creatures.

Self-Filling Canteen

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 25 gp

Description: A small metal canteen that fills itself with fresh, clean water once per day.

Powers: Refills with one quart of water at dawn each day.

Soundless Bell

Rarity: Common

Price: 25 gp

Description: A small brass bell that, when rung, does not make any sound but can be heard by the person who set it.

Powers: Can be placed on a door or similar object as an alarm. The person that sets the trap hears the bell if it is disturbed, regardless of distance, for up to 8 hours.

Stone of Direction

Rarity: Common

Price: 20 gp

Description: A small, smooth stone with an etched arrow on its surface.

Powers: Once per day, the holder can use the stone to know the direction of north. The arrow on the stone briefly glows and points northward when activated. The stone can be attuned to an individual by the person holding it for an hour and then instead points to them.


Rarity: Common

Price: 30 gp

Description: Sturdy boots enchanted to resist sticky or tangled terrain like mud, snow, or brambles.

Powers: Grants advantage on checks to avoid being slowed or hindered by difficult natural terrain.

Tent of Fresh Air

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 40 gp

Description: A small tent that comfortably fits two people and magically circulates air inside.

Powers: The air inside the tent is always clean and fresh, regardless of the environment outside. Great for camping in noxious or dangerous environments.

Trailfinder's Needle

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 30 gp

Description: A small enchanted needle that always points toward the nearest fresh water source.

Powers: Once per day, the needle points in the direction of the nearest source of fresh water within 1 mile.

Traveler's Spice Pouch

Rarity: Common

Price: 15 gp

Description: A small pouch containing various dried herbs and spices.

Powers: Once per day, the user can draw forth a handful of any common spice. This pouch refills itself daily.