Magical Trinkets

Band of the Harmonious Melody

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 350 gp

Description: A simple band that resonates with music.

Powers: When worn, any music played by the wearer is enhanced, granting them advantage on Performance checks related to music.

Bard's Tongue Feather

Rarity: Rare

Price: 460 gp

Description: A brightly colored feather that vibrates gently when held.

Powers: Grants the user the ability to cast Vicious Mockery without being a spellcaster, twice times per day. 

Beads of the Festival

Rarity: Common

Price: 10 gp

Description: A string of colorful beads that shine in moonlight.

Powers: When scattered on the ground, they grow into luminescent flowers that last for 12 hours, creating a festive atmosphere. Consumed on use.

Brooch of the Traveler's Return

Rarity: Rare (Requires Attunement)

Price: 540 gp

Description: A brooch depicting a winding road.

Powers: When activated, marks a location. The wearer can return to the marked location as if by the Teleport spell, with perfect accuracy, once per month.

Candle of the Silent Guardian

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 180 gp

Description: A candle that burns with a flame of deep blue.

Powers: When lit, creates an aura of silence in a 5-foot radius, lasting for 2 hours or until blown out. Walking with the candle counts as rough terrain as you protect the flame. The silence is impenetrable by any sound from the outside, once per day.

Coin of Serendipitous Find

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 320 gp

Description: A coin with an uncanny ability to stand on its edge.

Powers: Once per day, when flipped, it lands on its edge, and the user finds a small item of the DM's choice as if by luck within the next hour.

Compass of Weather Prediction

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 40 gp

Description: A compass that points towards the weather.

Powers: Predicts the weather in the current location for the next 24 hours with surprising accuracy, once per day.

Dreamcatcher of Restful Sleep

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 220 gp

Description: A small dreamcatcher that can be hung near the sleeping area.

Powers: Prevents nightmares and ensures a restful sleep. While sleeping with this item, unwelcome visitors may not enter your mind.

Feather of the Phoenix

Rarity: Very Rare

Price: 1,000 gp

Description: A vibrant feather that seems to contain a flickering flame.

Powers: When burned, the feather can resurrect a recently deceased small creature (CR 0) and turn it into a magical familiar for a day. The creature this is used on is consumed at the end of the day and the feather appears where the creature was.

Goblet of the Banquet

Rarity: Rare

Price: 600 gp

Description: A goblet that seems to fill with a rich wine on command.

Powers: When a toast is declared with sincerity and goodwill, the goblet fills with a wine that boosts morale, granting a +1 to saving throws for 24 hours to all who drink. Usable once per long rest.

Lute of the Wind

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 350 gp

Description: A finely crafted lute that seems to hum with the breeze.

Powers: When played, it can generate a gentle wind that can cool, disperse fog, or even spread the scent of a perfume throughout a room. Usable twice per long rest.

Monocle of Minute Observation

Rarity: Rare (Requires Attunement)

Price: 480 gp

Description: A sophisticated monocle that magnifies significantly.

Powers: Grants the ability to see fine details as if under the effect of Detect Magic; can discern even the most hidden inscriptions or details, usable three times per day.

Orb of Eavesdropping

Rarity: Rare

Price: 700 gp

Description: A small glass orb that hums softly when activated.

Powers: Can be left in a location for up to 8 hours. Upon retrieval, the orb whispers conversations it has "heard" to the owner. Works once per long rest.

Painter's Palette of Endless Colors

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 300 gp

Description: A painter's palette that never runs out of paint and offers colors not found in nature.

Powers: Paintings made with the palette can depict magical scenes that move slightly, like a gentle breeze through trees, but have no additional magical effects.

Quiver of the Wind

Rarity: Rare (Requires Attunement)

Price: 560 gp

Description: A quiver that feels lighter than air and is embroidered with symbols of the wind.

Powers: Arrows shot from this quiver make no sound and have +1 to hit due to their unerring guidance towards the target, three times per day.

Ring of Booming

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 400 gp

Description: A ring that causes the wearer's voice to echo mysteriously.

Powers: Once per day, the wearer can amplify their voice to be heard up to a mile away for a single sentence.

Note* All purchasers must sign disclosure information as per the city of Prospero due to a series of incidents in the past.

Scroll of the Arcanist

Rarity: Uncommon

Price: 250 gp

Description: A scroll case decorated with arcane symbols.

Powers: Scrolls stored within are protected from aging, water, fire, and tearing. Additionally, any non-magical paper placed inside becomes a Spell Scroll of Prestidigitation, usable once before the magic fades. (one may exist at a time)

Wandering Star

Rarity: Rare

Price: 80 gp

Description: A small, star-shaped trinket that floats slightly above the hand.

Powers: Guides the holder towards the nearest source of fresh water within a 5-mile radius, once per day.