
Titles: Unknown

Domains: Elemental (Water)

Symbol: Unknown

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: Unknown

Realms: River Lamentis

In the ancient realms, where waters wind and weave their ways through mountains and valleys, there exists a being as old as the rivers themselves. Her name, whispered in cautionary tales and sung in mournful ballads, is Galatea.

Galatea is a shimmering, ever-changing figure made entirely of water. Her form, resembling that of a graceful maiden, ripples and flows, making her almost indistinguishable from the river she dwells in. Her eyes are deep and endless, reflecting the mysteries of the abyss.

Galatea's dominion is the River Lamentis, a seemingly serene stretch of water that winds its way through the heart of a forgotten forest. At first glance, it appears as any other river – glistening under the sun and dancing with moonbeams at night. However, what sets it apart is its uncanny stillness, interrupted only when Galatea chooses to reveal herself.

Far from a benevolent spirit, Galatea is known for her treacherous allure. She sings a hauntingly beautiful song, infused with the whispers of the wind and the melodies of the deep. Those who hear it, especially the lonely or heartbroken, are irresistibly drawn towards the water's edge. Entranced, they step into the river, only to be swiftly enveloped by its depths. Galatea's embrace is final, pulling them into her watery realm from which there is no return.

While many are led astray by her enchanting song, others meet their watery doom by the hands of their enemies. The river's reputation as the abode of the malevolent elemental has made it a place of dark deeds. Those with sinister intentions, seeking to rid themselves of a rival or enemy, would push their unsuspecting victims into the River Lamentis, leaving their fate to Galatea.

Many tales revolve around Galatea, but one stands out, the story of "Elio and the Moonlit Promise."

Elio, a young bard, sought to cross the River Lamentis to reach a city beyond the woods, where his beloved awaited him. As he approached the river, Galatea's song reached his ears. But instead of being ensnared, Elio's heart, full of love and purpose, resonated with the tune. He responded with a song of his own, a melody of hope and longing.

Galatea, intrigued by his resistance, emerged from the depths, challenging Elio to a duel of songs. Hours passed, with neither willing to concede. As dawn approached, and the first rays of the sun kissed the water's surface, Galatea, overwhelmed by Elio's unwavering spirit, allowed him to pass.

But her concession came with a condition. Elio was to return after a year and sing for her once more. If his heart still held true, he would be free to go. If not, the River Lamentis would claim him forever.

Elio agreed, and every year, on the same moonlit night, his voice could be heard echoing across the river, a testament to undying love and the power of promises.

The legend of Galatea serves as both a warning and a lesson. It reminds all of the dangers that lurk in seemingly tranquil places and the consequences of being swayed by fleeting desires. At the same time, Elio's tale offers hope, proving that a true heart, guided by love and purpose, can withstand even the most beguiling temptations.