
Titles: The Eternal Wayfarer

Domains: Guidance

Symbol: A winding road intersected by a compass rose

Alignment: N

Power Rating: Lesser

Realms: Fujiwara

Fengxing is an enigmatic deity, often appearing unassuming but radiating an aura that subtly reassures those he encounters. He is known to roam both the celestial and mortal realms, providing guidance to lost souls. Whether one is lost in the wilderness or in the maze of life's challenges, a whispered prayer to Fengxing is said to bring guidance.

Not much is known about Fengxing's origins, and that's the way he prefers it. Legends speak of him being born from the footprints of the first wanderer. Others say he was a mortal who found enlightenment through constant travel and was thus granted godhood. Regardless, he roams, his identity often hidden but his presence unmistakable.

Travelers, explorers, seekers of wisdom, and anyone who finds themselves physically or metaphorically lost turn to Fengxing for guidance. Many inns and crossroads have shrines dedicated to him.

"The Night of Guiding Stars": A well-documented event where hundreds of lost travelers claimed to have been guided safely through treacherous conditions by a mysterious stranger. Each described a unique experience but all credited their safety to Fengxing.

Iroh the Circle of the Brew: A human druid who was said to be guided by Fengxing since he was a child. Iroh possesses a mystical map that always shows the way, even in lands uncharted.