
Titles: Bringer of Agony and Chaos

Domains: Chaos

Symbol: A labyrinthine spiral encasing a screaming face

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Fujiwara

Korgath is an imposing, malevolent figure shrouded in dark, ethereal armor that seems to writhe and shift as if alive. His eyes are pits of endless darkness, and his flail, "Torment," leaves trails of smoky shadows in its wake. Neither wholly for nor against any cause but his own, Korgath is the embodiment of unpredictable suffering. His laughter is a harrowing sound that chills the bone, for it heralds nothing but dread and chaos.

Korgath was born from the raw, chaotic energies at the dawn of the world, his existence predating any form of order. Shaped into a minotaur by the agonized screams and lamentations of a primordial universe, he thrives in entropy and pandemonium.

Primarily masochists, anarchists, and those who delight in causing suffering worship Korgath. The few who dare to enter his labyrinths of torment are either broken, twisted into monstrous versions of themselves, or emerge so strong and insane that they become his elite disciples.

"The Night of Unraveled Realms": A cataclysmic evening where the walls between multiple planes grew thin, causing chaotic entities to spill into the mortal realm, causing widespread destruction and insanity. This event is attributed to Korgath's whimsical decision to momentarily release his power into the world.

Thrasik the Unhinged: A warrior who endured one of Korgath's labyrinths and emerged irrevocably changed. Thrasik wields a duplicate of "Torment" and is a harbinger of Korgath's chaotic will on the mortal plane.