
Titles: The Loommaster of Cosmic Destinies

Domains: Fate

Symbol: A loom interwoven with threads made of stars and shadows

Alignment: N

Power Rating: Greater

Realms: Fujiwara

Mingyun is an enigmatic figure, with eyes that see all timelines and hands that deftly manipulate the cosmic loom. His demeanor is calm yet unfathomable, and he never reveals his emotions or intentions. He wears a robe made from threads of light and shadow, symbolizing the intricate balance he maintains. Mingyun's uniqueness lies in his ability to influence the fate of even gods, a power that makes him respected and feared in equal measure.

Mingyun emerged from the first breath of existence, gaining sentience as life began to explore the notions of choice and consequence. His loom, a gift from the cosmic energies that spawned him, allows him to weave the destinies of all beings.

Oracles, fortune-tellers, and anyone who seeks to understand or change their destiny worship Mingyun. His temples are more like cosmic observatories, where the alignments of stars are studied to decode fate's designs.

"The Unraveling Eclipse": During a rare celestial alignment, Mingyun was said to have temporarily severed a key thread on his loom, causing a catastrophe that altered the fate of an entire nation, turning it from a burgeoning empire into a forgotten ruin overnight.

Mingyun is rumored to be the cousin of Greyhawk pantheon goddess, Aelinthra.