
Titles: The Eternal Archivist

Domains: Knowledge

Symbol: An intricately designed locket, half open to reveal an ever-changing image inside.

Alignment: N

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Fujiwara

Weirao is a serene and reflective deity, often depicted with a book or scroll, her eyes shimmering like endless pools. She's the custodian of every moment that has ever occurred, holding the power to both grant clarity and sow confusion.

Weirao has been around since the dawn of existence. Every thought, secret, and experience is cataloged in her ethereal library, an ever-expanding repository of memories. However, her past conflict with Queen Pianxian has led her to selectively "forget" any benevolence towards the Queen, a rarity for the goddess of memory.

Historians, chroniclers, those who have lost memories, and people at the crossroads of important life decisions worship her.

"The Day of Forgotten Suns": A day when the sun did not rise, and people lost all memories of the previous year, as a result of Weirao's anger boiling over due to Queen Pianxian's forgotten betrayal.