
Titles: The Eternal Clockmaster

Domains: Time

Symbol: An hourglass superimposed on a cosmic wheel, signifying the endless cycle and flow of time.

Alignment: N

Power Rating: Greater

Realms: Fujiwara

Zhaoshi is often depicted as a timeless figure cloaked in shimmering garments that seem to flow and merge with the temporal streams surrounding him. He holds an hourglass in one hand and a cosmic wheel in the other. His eyes are said to reflect every moment that has ever existed or ever will, making him an intimidating and enigmatic figure.

Zhaoshi is one of the oldest gods in the Fujiwara pantheon, believed to have been there at the dawn of creation to set the cosmic wheel in motion. He is the keeper of the temporal order, ensuring that time flows as it should, indifferent to the plights and plans of gods and mortals alike.

Scholars, historians, and those who have been deeply affected by the passage of time often turn to Zhaoshi. His temples serve as places for reflection and meditation, where time seems to slow, allowing for moments of introspection.

"The Halting of the Sundering Clock": A moment in history when time anomalies started appearing, distorting reality. Zhaoshi intervened by freezing time for a brief moment, allowing him to mend the fabric of reality and restore the cosmic order.

Lysandra the Timekeeper: A mortal who was granted unique insights into the nature of time. She serves as Zhaoshi's earthly agent, using her knowledge to mend smaller rifts in the temporal fabric and guide those lost in time.