
Titles: Worldbearer

Domains: Order

Symbol: A globe upon a shoulder

Alignment: LG

Power Rating: Unknown

Realms: Gigornia (Ethereal Plane)

Height: Unknown

Atlas’s immense form is perhaps the largest material body in known existence. His muscles are like the bedrock of the earth. His hair and beard are as the flowing fields of wheat, a symbol of life that sustains the world he carries. His eyes, deep and wise, are filled with the knowledge of ages, the weight of his charge apparent in their timeless gaze.

The story of Atlas is one of sacrifice and duty. In the ancient days of Gigornia, when the world was unmoored and chaos reigned, Atlas took upon his back the foundation of the land, setting it upon the Ethereal Plane. It was he who stabilized the realms, his stoic form a pillar upon which the order of the cosmos was balanced.

Atlas is forever tied to the Calming of the Cosmic Seas. In a time before time, when the realms were wild and untamed, Gigornia faced the threat of being torn asunder by the roiling cosmic forces. Atlas, with a strength that echoes in legend, lifted the world and set it upon his back, calming the turbulent energies and giving order to the chaos.

Those with Ethereal sight have claimed to see his hands on Gigornia, holding it aloft.