
Titles: Mistress of the Cerulean Cascade

Domains: Renewal

Symbol: A cascading waterfall with a single eye peering through

Alignment: CG

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Gigornia (The Mistveiled Sanctuary)

Height: ~275 ft.

Cascadra is a vision of power and grace, her towering form akin to the majestic waterfalls she presides over. Her skin is imbued with the cool hues of deep water, and her hair flows like the endless cascades of her realm, adorned with beads of crystal-clear water that never seem to fall. Her eyes hold the depth of ancient lakes, shimmering with wisdom and the joy of eternal renewal.

It is said that she was born from the tears of Gigornia itself, shed in a time of great sorrow, which then gave rise to the first great waterfall. From this act of sorrowful beauty, Cascadra emerged, her laughter becoming the rivers and her whispers the mists.

Cascadra's followers include those who seek solace and rebirth through the waters of the world. Her clerics, known as Mistweavers, serve as healers and caretakers of the sick and the lost, using the waters to cleanse wounds and spirits alike. Mariners, fishermen, and those who respect the ebb and flow of water also pay her homage, seeking her blessings for bountiful catches and safe passage through treacherous waters.

Cascadra's most celebrated act is the Quenching of the Great Fire. Long ago, a conflagration born from a feud between two fire giant clans threatened to engulf Gigornia. As the inferno raged unchecked, threatening to consume the world, Cascadra intervened. With a sweeping motion, she summoned a deluge from the heavens, manifesting an immense waterfall that cascaded down and smothered the flames.

This miraculous event not only extinguished the fire but also gave rise to a new river, which brought life to previously arid lands and united the fire giant clans in a newfound appreciation for water's vital role. The river was named Cascadra's Mercy, and every year, a festival is held on its banks. There, giants and other races gather to celebrate the harmony of the elements, sharing tales of the past and dances that mimic the flow of the river, reaffirming their respect for the Mistress of the Cerulean Cascade and her life-giving waters.