
Titles: The Bone Collector

Domains: Death

Symbol: A twisted tree growing from a titan's skull

Alignment: N

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Gigornia (The Whispering Echo)

Height: ~150 ft. (always growing)

Mortisan's visage is that of a towering, skeletal figure, each bone a relic from a creature that once roamed Gigornia. His body is an amalgam of root and bone, intertwined and indistinguishable, a visage to the cycle of life feeding into death. His eyes, deep within their sockets, see not the flesh, but the soul of all beings.

It is told that Mortisan was once a guardian of the living forest, a protector of the cycle of growth and decay. When a great calamity struck the world, and a blight took the forest, Mortisan absorbed the essence of the dying trees, merging with the bones of the land, and became a deity. He now stands as the sentinel at the crossroads between life and the hereafter.

The myth of Mortisan is linked to the Great Silence. A plague had swept across Gigornia, leaving countless dead in its wake. As the living despaired, Mortisan walked among them, collecting the bones of the fallen. With each bone he gathered, the plague's grip weakened, until it vanished completely. In the aftermath, he built the Whispering Echo from the remains, creating a sacred forest where the memories of the dead would live on.

The Great Silence is commemorated during the Festival of Remembrance, where the living venture into the Whispering echo to honor the dead. They leave tokens and speak the names of those passed, believing that the bones of Mortisan's forest carry the strength and wisdom of the lives once lived. It is a time of quiet reflection, of stories shared, and of the comforting embrace of the Bone Collector, who ensures that no one is forgotten.