
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Sovereign Sky

Domains: Elemental (Air, Lightning, Thunder, Cold)

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed CN

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Aeromar is a formidable presence, with skin that holds the hue of a stormy sky and hair flowing like the untamed winds. His eyes gleam with the power of lightning, and his voice carries the rumble of distant thunder.

As Aeromar came into being with the world's nascent sigh, the skies above were an empty canvas, a boundless expanse awaiting the touch of creation. Aeromar’s essence—pure, untamed, and as vital as the breath of life itself—spread through this vast emptiness, filling it with the endless hues of azure, the gentle warmth of the dawn, and the soft embrace of the twilight.

With his rise, the skies began to dance. Winds were his heralds, ranging from the softest zephyr to the fiercest gale, sculpting clouds into fantastical shapes and whispering secrets to those who would listen. The skies bloomed with life under his gaze: birds took to the air with feathers like a myriad of jewels, dragons soared past the clouds reaching the upper echelons of his domain, and celestial beings found refuge in the lofty peaks of his skyward realm.

As Aeromar’s power swelled, so did the influence of the skies. The weather began to play a pivotal role in the lives of the beings below; it became a rhythm by which civilizations set their calendars and by which sailors navigated the endless seas. The ebb and flow of seasons, the migration of birds, the turning of the world’s breath—all were reflections of Aeromar’s will and testament to his power.

His essence was not confined to mere force; it was the embodiment of freedom itself—the limitless potential that the open sky represents, the promise of discovery, and the boundless paths of the wind. And as the cycles of day and night unfolded, from the soft pastels of dawn to the blazing tapestries of sunset, the creatures of the air and the people of the land looked upward, feeling the touch of Aeromar’s invisible hand guiding them, encouraging them to rise ever higher and to dream with wings unfurled.

Thus, the skies became a mirror to the soul of the world, reflecting the wonder, the peril, and the beauty of existence—a domain over which Aeromar reigned supreme, a father to every gust of wind, every wisp of cloud, and every traveler who dared to ascend into his eternal domain.