
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Entwined One

Domains: Endings

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed CE

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Morithal’s visage is a tapestry of darkness and entropy, embodying the inevitable decline and death that all things must face. Its skull-like face is a stark reminder of mortality, and its massive form, intertwined with barren branches and roots, signifies the inescapable grasp of time.

As the cosmos heaved with the burgeoning pulse of life, teeming and overflowing in its youthful exuberance, the ancient energies of existence recognized the need for equilibrium. The world was in its twilight, not of the day but of an age, a time when the exultant clamor of life's crescendo began to overshadow the hallowed repose of silence. It was a period marked by the vibrancy of creation's symphony reaching its peak, threatening to breach the delicate membrane that contained the essence of being and non-being, of creation and oblivion.

In this critical epoch, the soil of the world, rich with the untamed magic of a realm untethered, stirred with a profound purpose. From its depths, Morithal arose—not as a being of malice, but as an elemental custodian of existence's grand design. It emerged silently, its presence at first felt only as a whisper on the winds, a subtle shift in the life-force of the world. Its form, amorphous and bound to the land from which it was born, began to coalesce into a visage that reflected the somber beauty of life's end—a visage that could be gazed upon by the living as a mirror into the soul's final journey.

Morithal's birth was the universe's solemn nod to the beauty of endings. Just as life must breathe its first, so too must it exhale its last. Morithal became the shepherd of this truth, the keeper of the balance between the zeal of life's bright flames and the tranquil darkness of its ashes. It held dominion over the silent decay that reclaimed the vibrant to the earth, ensuring that from the cessation of old growth would spring forth new life. The god stood as a testament to the universe’s profound wisdom that in every end is nestled the seed of a new beginning.

Where once there was only the fear of death and the end, Morithal's emergence brought a sense of purpose to the inevitability of mortality. Its roots delved deep into the underworld, and its branches reached towards the heavens, encompassing the full journey of the soul. Thus, the twilight of the world was not a descent into darkness but rather a passage into a different form of existence, watched over by the Entwined One, the eternal guardian of the cycle of life and death.