
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: Father of the Nocturne Kin

Domains: Sanctuary

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed NG

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Nocturion stands tall, a formidable figure whose presence is as commanding as the full moon against the canvas of the night sky. His flowing beard and hair seem to be strands of moonlight, and his armor is adorned with motifs reminiscent of the nocturnal creatures who call the darkness their home. The staff he wields is topped with an emblem that radiates an ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly light that pierces the twilight. His eyes glimmer with the wisdom of the aeons, and his form is encircled by ethereal tendrils of midnight mist.

Nocturion is said to have emerged from the primordial darkness that existed before the stars were hung in the night sky. He is the first shadow, the breath of the evening breeze, and the keeper of secrets that only the night can tell. As the father of all night beasts, it is Nocturion who gifted them with eyes to see in the darkness, ears to hear the silent language of the night, and the kinship of the shadows.

His followers are the nocturnes, those who seek comfort and power in the darkness. They are the scholars who ponder under the moon’s pale light, the hunters who move like whispers over the land, and the wanderers who find solace in the velvet embrace of night. Temples dedicated to Nocturion are open to the sky, allowing the moon’s rays to bathe his altars, and rituals in his honor are performed in the silent hours, where murmured chants mingle with the quietude of the dark.

Nocturion’s existence in the Olden Pantheon symbolizes the necessity of balance between day and night, light and shadow. He teaches that not all that dwells in the night is to be feared, and that darkness can be a cradle for wonder and reverence as much as the daylight can be a harbor of warmth and vision.