
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Emberheart

Domains: Renewal

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed CG

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Pyraustor is a deity of dual essence, embodied in the gnarled, charcoal-black bark-like skin and the glowing magma that courses through his veins. His eyes burn with the ceaseless fury of a volcanic heart, and his massive, twisted horns crown him with a regal and intimidating silhouette. Embers fall like leaves from his towering form, and his presence is accompanied by the crackling whispers of fire and the scent of ancient burnt forests.
From the world's inception, Pyraustor has been a fundamental force in the natural order, his birth heralding the eternal dance between annihilation and genesis. As the first inferno raged, consuming the ancient woods that predated even the oldest elven memories, it also planted the seeds of future groves, meadows, and ecosystems that would one day flourish.

Pyraustor’s existence is a paradox, for within his smoldering heart lies not just the potential for rampant destruction, but also the promise of new beginnings. The devastation wrought by his fiery temper is not an end but a prelude to regeneration and growth. The oldest trees, the deepest roots, and even the most persistent forms of life bow to the inevitability of his flame, only to rise again from the fertile ashes left in its wake.

This cycle, so intrinsic to the natural world, is a sacred rite to those who worship Pyraustor. His priests, known as the Emberclad, walk through the remnants of burned forests, scattering seeds and performing rituals that honor the destruction that has occurred and the new life that will spring forth. They wear robes dyed with soot and carry embers from sacred fires, spreading the doctrine of Pyraustor wherever they tread.

In regions ravaged by natural wildfires or volcanic eruptions, the appearance of the Emberclad is a sign of hope; they are harbingers of renewal, guiding survivors to understand and respect the deeper meaning of their losses. For within every charred husk and every scorched stone lies the warmth of Pyraustor's blessing, the nurturing heat that will usher in the verdant splendor of the future.

The deific force that Pyraustor wields is thus not only a tool of ruin but a necessary agent of change, ensuring that life is not stagnant and that from the depths of destruction, the world is continually reborn stronger, more diverse, and with greater capacity for life. His followers seek to embrace this cycle in their lives, to rise from their setbacks renewed, and to find strength in the knowledge that from every ending comes a new beginning, just as from every fire comes the chance for new life.