
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Infernal Priveval

Domains: Nature (Demonic)

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed CE

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Pyroclast stands as an awe-inspiring figure, towering with a fearsome majesty that is both majestic and terrifying. His body is a fortress of blackened, jagged stone, from which rivers of molten lava flow, casting an ominous glow that paints his surroundings with the hues of a smoldering hell. Monstrous wings, resembling the charred remnants of a volcanic eruption, spread wide, their very motion sending gusts of searing wind across the blasted landscape. His eyes, like twin coals, burn with an unquenchable fire, and his roar is the sound of mountains cracking under the pressure of the earth's rage.

In the ancient days when the Olden gods walked the earth and shaped its destiny, Pyroclast was the first Balrog to rise from the bubbling pits of creation. Born from the world's fiery womb, he was a creature of pure destruction and power, a guardian of the flame that burns at the heart of all things. His coming was marked by eruptions that spewed forth the raw materials of continents, and his fury could split the ground asunder.

As the progenitor of the Balrogs, Pyroclast is a creature revered and feared by those who draw upon the elemental forces. His lineage is shrouded in the ash clouds of time, but his impact is written upon the landscape itself, in the black rock of cooled lava flows and the rich soils born from volcanic ash.

Followers of Pyroclast are those who respect the raw, untamed power of nature and the necessity of destruction for rebirth. They include blacksmiths who honor the flame, warriors who worship the raw power of the fiery depths, and sages who seek understanding in the earth's fiery blood.

Temples to Pyroclast are often found in the shadow of volcanoes or within caverns where the earth's warmth can be felt. Here, his acolytes perform rituals of strength and respect, often throwing offerings into the heart of volcanoes to appease the First Balrog's insatiable hunger for combustion and calamity.