
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Tempest Titan

Domains: Tempest

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed CE

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Tempestron is the personification of raw elemental power, a colossal deity whose very steps echo with the rumble of thunder. His formidable frame crackles with streaks of lightning, casting an azure glow that pulses with the rhythm of a storm's heart. His eyes burn with the red fire of lightning strikes, and his roar is the sound of a thousand gales converging. Swirling clouds and fierce winds seem to be born from his very presence, and his clawed hands wield the electricity of the heavens as if it were threads in the tapestry of the world.

In the mythic age of the Olden gods, Tempestron was born from the convergence of the world's first storm-fronts, the clash of hot and cold that split the sky and shook the earth. As the Olden gods shaped the land and sea, Tempestron carved the skies, filling them with the power of the storm. He embodies the sudden fury of the squall, the cleansing nature of the rain, and the awe-inspiring display of the lightning strike.

As the god of storms, Tempestron is both a creator and destroyer. He can bring life-giving water to parched lands and also obliterate settlements with the sheer force of his might. His followers include those who have respect for the power of nature, from meteorologists who seek to understand his whims, to storm-chasers who pursue his paths, and mariners who navigate his tempestuous domains.

Temples dedicated to Tempestron are often built on high peaks exposed to the sky, where his influence is strongest. Here, his priests and acolytes conduct electrifying rituals to appease his volatile spirit, often coinciding with the natural occurrence of storms to harness his immense power.