
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Blizzard

Domains: Elemental (Cold)

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed CN

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Thrymvolk towers over mortals, a formidable deity of frost and snow. His towering form is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a mass of muscle and sinew adorned with the furs of the arctic beasts, and his beard like the flowing tendrils of winter's relentless chill. His eyes gleam like the heart of glaciers, radiating a dominion over cold that freezes the very air.

Thrymvolk's genesis is a tale woven into the fabric of the world's coldest nights and longest winters. Legend speaks of the primordial winter, a time when the earth lay silent under a shroud of ice, a desolate realm before the sun's warmth had ever kissed the land. It was within this timeless chill that Thrymvolk stirred into being, emerging from a fragment of the first winter's ice—the ever-frozen heart of the planet, a crystalline shard imbued with the pure essence of endurance and the raw, unbridled force of nature.

His form coalesced from the swirling snows and the biting frost, a colossus of ice and fury, with veins that pulsed with blizzards and a breath that could quell the fires of the deepest forges. Thrymvolk is no mere deity to those who follow him; he is the embodiment of the arctic's soul, its unforgiving beauty, and its merciless challenge to all living things that dare to endure within its white expanse.

The harsh beauty of the arctic is Thrymvolk's canvas and masterpiece. Every snowflake is a whisper of his creation, each one unique, and yet part of the infinite. The silent majesty of snow-covered peaks, the brutal grace of an ice storm, the serene danger lurking in the deceptive calm of a frozen lake—these are Thrymvolk's works, his legacy written in frost and felt in the biting wind.

Primal and ancient, he predates the mortals' fleeting dominions, a constant presence that has watched the rise and fall of countless empires. To know him is to understand the unforgiving nature of the wilds, where survival is not a right, but a hard-earned victory against the relentless onslaught of his domain.

His followers do not pray for his benevolence, for they know it is not his way. Instead, they strive to embody his resilience, to honor him by thriving where others would falter and perish. To stand amidst a howling snowstorm, to witness the auroras dancing above, is to glimpse Thrymvolk's eternal spirit—a testament to the endurance of life, even in the embrace of the world's oldest winter.