
All details are speculation and primarily lost to time. Due to the lack of concrete, first-hand information, the tome is accepting information pulled from rumors, speculation, and recovered ancient artifacts. 

Titles: The Guiding Storm

Domains: Abandoned

Symbol: Lost to time

Alignment: Assumed NG

Power Rating: Immeasurable

Realms: Lost to time

Vastal’s towering presence is as formidable as the deepest ocean abyss. The entity's form is a tempestuous meld of brine and shadow, with a crown that mirrors the jagged points of a storm-tossed sea. Their eyes gleam with an ethereal blue light, reminiscent of bioluminescent life deep beneath the waves, providing a ghostly illumination in the darkest of waters. Swirling robes of vapor and foam cling to their form, moving with the unpredictable nature of the sea. Vastal wields a staff crowned with an emblem akin to the mysterious depths, representing both the dangers of the ocean and the guiding light needed to navigate through peril.

In the Olden pantheon, Vastal was born from the primal fears of the first sailors and the compassion of the sea itself. They emerged as a deity not of wrath or retribution but of mercy and guidance. Legends tell of Vastal's birth at the convergence of the first great storm and the calm that followed, encapsulating the duality of their nature—tempestuous yet serene, treacherous yet protective.

Vastal is the deity invoked in sailor’s prayers before a perilous journey, and their name is etched into the hulls of ships that dare to sail into the unknown. They are celebrated in tales of miraculous survivals and mournful shanties for the souls they shepherd. To be in Vastal’s favor is to have a light in the darkest of voyages, a whispering presence urging you towards safe harbor.

Their followers are often those who have faced the sea’s unfathomable depths and returned, seafarers who have been lost and found again, and those who feel a kinship with the restless ocean. Temples dedicated to Vastal are filled with offerings of ship relics and candles that burn day and night, symbolizing the eternal light of their guidance amidst the tempest. Vastal, The Guiding Maelstrom, is both the last flicker of hope for the doomed and the first light of dawn for the survivors, standing eternal watch over the domain of the abandoned.