
Titles: The Forgotten God

Domains: Lore

Symbol: White Ellagance Lavender

Alignment: LG

Power Rating: Quasi-deity

Realms: Rotania (Deceased)

Loren, the God of Lore, was a handsome figure whose melodies and tales resonate through the echoes of time, long after his untimely demise. As a half-elf bard, his life was a symphony of words and music, crafting songs and stories that transcended the ages. He was not only a bard but an institution, an embodiment of the artistic spirit that inspired countless hearts and minds. His influence as the most illustrious songwriter of his era was profound, and his compositions became the threads from which the tapestry of history was woven.

However, the annals of history remain hauntingly silent on the chapters of Loren’s life post-Orathia, save for a tale as brief as it is tragic. Within the realm of Rotania, his divine tenure lasted but a fleeting quarter of an hour. A staunch opponent of sacrifice and cruelty, Loren's time in the pantheon ended abruptly as he stood against the Lich Lord's demand for the blood of his believers. Unwilling to witness such atrocities, Loren chose defiance over compliance, a decision that would cost him everything.

The Lich, intent on quelling any seeds of rebellion, made a gruesome spectacle of Loren, extinguishing his divine light in front of the assembled deities as a stark warning. The God of Lore’s death was not just the silencing of a bard but the quenching of a beacon of hope and defiance in the face of tyranny. In the aftermath of his execution, the whispers of his music carried on the winds, a lingering testament to his brief but brilliant flash of divinity, a reminder of the power of lore and the cost of principle. Loren's legacy endures in the strings of every lute and the quill of every scribe, a divine muse to all who value the sanctity of story and song.