
Titles: The Timeless

Domains: Time

Symbol: A golden hourglass

Alignment: LN

Power Rating: Quasi-deity

Realms: Rotania (Strollis, the Dead City)

Before ascending to the echelons of divinity, Temporos was a master artificer, a being whose creations were not merely devices but marvels that mirrored the meticulous gears of the universe itself. Their mechanisms were said to be so precise, so perfect, that they aligned with the cosmic clocks, ticking in harmony with the pulse of creation.

This incredible skill and their profound understanding of time's ebb and flow eventually elevated Temporos from the realm of mortals to the divine. As a deity, Temporos embodies the continuum of past, present, and future, holding dominion over the moments that stitch the fabric of existence together. Their form and nature are as elusive as time itself, often depicted as shifting between phases like the ages they oversee, forever changing yet eternally constant.

In their divine form, Temporos is a guardian of history and a warden of the future. They see the infinite possibilities that sprawl before the cosmos, each decision and moment a thread in the ever-expanding tapestry of time. Yet, for all their power, Temporos is intrinsically linked to the fate of Rotania, bound to the land and its inhabitants, their existence a pivotal axis upon which the world turns.

The alliance with Mortis, the God of Death, is perhaps one of the most poignant aspects of Temporos's existence. United by the young grung Ketchy's prayers, their combined powers were a beacon of hope against the darkness of the Lich Lord Zoren. Together, they formed the Chrono-Mortis Hourglass Coven, a fellowship devoted to balancing the scales of life and death, of time's relentless march and the stillness of the end. 

Temporos took a particular liking to Ketchy. Ketchy, devastated by the loss of his family to a brutal illithid attack, called out in his anguish for a reversal of his misfortune, for death to his enemies, and for the chance to change the tragic past. His prayers, filled with grief and desperation, reached the dormant deities. Temporos, moved by Ketchy's plight and seeing an opportunity to restore balance and order, reached out from beyond their temporal confines.

In a pact that intertwined their fates, Temporos and Mortis were resurrected, forming the Chrono-Mortis Hourglass Coven with Ketchy as a central figure. Temporos, in a gesture of divine benevolence, granted Ketchy a sliver of their power, a unique ability to rewind time. This gift allowed Ketchy to reverse the flow of moments for approximately six seconds, just enough time to avert a disastrous outcome or rectify a critical mistake. This power, while seemingly modest, held profound implications, giving Ketchy the chance to alter the immediate past and reshape events in crucial moments.

The ability to rewind time, even briefly, was a double-edged sword. It carried a dangerous weight on the grung to ensure time was kept sacred and to never use it without purpose. It was a boon of immeasurable value, a chance to make right what once went wrong, and a symbol of the trust and connection between the grung and the god.

Though Temporos and Mortis were ultimately slain by the Lich's hand, the legend of Temporos endures. As time itself is cyclical, so too is the belief in their return. When the world grows most dire, when the need for balance and order reaches its peak, it is said that Temporos will emerge once more, a god reborn from the very seconds that compose eternity, ready to take up the mantle of guardian once again. Their story is a reminder that time is both an end and a beginning, a cycle of renewal where every end is merely the precursor to another beginning.