
Titles: The Shadow Smith

Domains: Forge

Symbol: A pressing stone

Alignment: N

Power Rating: Demigod

Realms: The Shadowfell

Brondur, a towering figure of muscle and might, stands before the anvil, his presence as commanding as the flames that dance around his forge. His beard, as dark as the ore he works, is a testament to the many years he has spent perfecting his craft. The light of the forge casts a formidable shadow, reflecting the intensity of his dedication. Eyes glowing with the fervor of creation, Brondur wields his hammer with a precision that belies his robust form, each strike ringing with the authority of a master craftsman.

Originating from the material plane, Brondur's quest for mastery led him to the Shadowfell, where rare and strange materials promised the challenge and potential he craved. His transition from mortal smith to deity of the forge was a journey marked by relentless pursuit, each creation a step along the path to divinity.

In the Shadowfell, Brondur found the resources to transcend the limitations of ordinary blacksmithing, pushing the boundaries of his craft to realms unimagined. His forge, a legendary locus of power, is said to be both workshop and temple, where the clang of hammer on anvil is a hymn to creation and strength.

Followers of Brondur, known as the Order of the Ethereal Anvil, are smiths, artisans, and warriors seeking weapons worthy of their own legends. His temples are grand forges where the air is thick with heat and the walls resonate with the sound of metalwork. To serve Brondur is to venerate the act of creation, to forge not just weapons but also the inner strength of one's spirit in the unyielding fires of determination and skill.