
Titles: The Chained One

Domains: Violence

Symbol: A set of black chains

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: IntermediateĀ 

Realms: Shadowfell's Black Gate (Imprisoned)

Gatharion stands as an indomitable force, his very essence a maelstrom of chaos and wrath. Towering and formidable, he is cloaked in darkness, his armor an extension of the void that surrounds him. Great chains, imbued with ancient magic, bind him, their links glowing with the heat of his fury. His eyes burn with a malevolent red light, a window to the boundless rage that simmers within. Despite his bonds, the power that emanates from him is palpable, a reminder of the destruction he wrought upon the cosmos.

Once a god among his peers, Gatharion's uncontrollable nature led to his downfall. His propensity for violence knew no bounds, threatening the balance of the pantheon and the worlds beyond. After a cataclysmic confrontation with his fellow deities, he was subdued and bound within the depths of the Shadowfell, his chains a ward against his devastating potential.

His imprisonment serves as both punishment and precaution, his wrath contained but ever-present. His followers, the Order of the Unbroken Chain, are those who both revere and fear Gatharion's might. They are warriors and anarchists, individuals who draw upon the raw energy of fury and who seek to emulate their god's indomitable will, even in his state of eternal captivity.

Worship of Gatharion is a dangerous path, one that involves secretive rituals designed to appeal to his ferocious spirit without unleashing his full wrath upon the world once more. The Order's temples are fortified bastions hidden in places ravaged by war and strife, where the Chained One's influence is strongest.

To invoke Gatharion is to flirt with the very essence of destruction, to seek the strength in anger and the power in defiance. His acolytes channel their god's boundless rage into their endeavors, finding in their divine patron a fearsome ally in their battles against all forms of oppression and control.