
Titles: Inferno Monarch

Domains: Elemetnal (Fire)

Symbol: Burning pyres

Alignment: NE

Power Rating: Lesser

Realms: Shadowfell

Jareth stands with a commanding aura amidst the twilight of the Shadowfell, his presence a confluence of majesty and menace. His silvery locks cascade over armor that is both elegant and formidable, adorned with intricate filigree that seems to pulse with a life of its own. His eyes, aglow with a fiery crimson, pierce through the penumbra, reflecting a soul tempered in the flames of ancient wisdom and power.

Jareth's ascension to godhood is shrouded in legend. From the depths of the Shadowfell's forges, he rose, fueled by an indomitable will to transcend his spectral origins. His journey from obscurity to deification is a saga of resilience, a tale that resonates with all who seek to rise above their inherent nature.

His followers, known as the Ashen Acolytes, are those who have felt the searing touch of Jareth's domain. They walk a path of self-discovery, seeking transformation through the controlled burn of their innermost drives and ambitions.

Shrines to Jareth are enigmatic, often situated in places of desolation that have been touched by fire's transformative grace. The rites performed in his honor are intense and fervent, with ceremonial fires that burn in a myriad of colors, symbolizing the myriad paths to power and enlightenment that Jareth offers to his devoted. To follow Jareth is to embrace the flame within, to stoke it into a blaze that can reshape the world—or at least one's perception of it.