
Titles: The Whispering

Domains: Mystery

Symbol: Unknown

Alignment: CE

Power Rating: Lesser

Realms: Shadowfell

Threnodyn rises from the depths of the Shadowfell, an enigmatic deity shrouded in the essence of the plane itself. His form is both insubstantial and imposing, a being woven from the mist and murk of a land that is always half-hidden. His gaze, bearing the red glow of the plane's heart, pierces through the perpetual twilight, seeing into the very soul of the Shadowfell. His being is as fluid as the fog, as tangible as the secrets it hides.

Threnodyn's origins are as enigmatic as his form, told in hushed tones and through veiled allegories. He is said to have emerged from the Shadowfell's fog at the dawn of the plane's memory, a sentinel of the secrets that the shadows keep. His followers are those who find solace in the hidden corners of the world, who understand that the most potent forces are those that are never fully seen.

The worship of Threnodyn is a practice of subtlety and silence. His temples, if they can be called such, are more often hidden enclaves where the air is thick with incense and the silence is a tangible presence. The rituals dedicated to him are quiet affairs, where the faintest intonation and the slightest gesture are laden with meaning.

To serve Threnodyn is to walk a path obscured from the eyes of the world, to hold power in the palm of one's hand and to whisper in the ears of the shadows. His acolytes move through the Shadowfell and the world beyond with a grace born of the veiled, their actions as mysterious as their enigmatic lord.