
Titles: The New Dawn

Domains: Endings

Symbol: A red sun pierced by a black spear.

Alignment: NE

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Oerth

Ronen appears as a feline-like being armed with a Spear of Desolation. She is both feared and revered as a herald of the end times, signaling the destruction of civilizations to pave the way for new beginnings.

Ronen is the enigmatic deity whose arrival is said to signal the end of an era or a civilization. Whether she is a harbinger or the cause of such cataclysmic changes is a matter of debate among scholars and priests.

"The Crumbling Eclipse" remains a deeply studied and debated historical event among scholars, theologians, and arcane practitioners. During this eerie period, the sun turned a disturbing shade of blood red, casting the world in a crimson hue for seven days and nights. The sky was devoid of clouds, stars, or moonlight, leaving the red sun as the sole celestial object in the sky. Temperatures soared, crops withered, and livestock perished. A sense of unease pervaded the populace, leading to widespread civil unrest.

The Ilthor Empire, which was at its peak of power and influence, bore the brunt of this event. Rulers and citizens alike were unable to comprehend or mitigate the catastrophe. The empire's leadership was thrown into disarray as generals, mages, and clergy clashed over how to interpret and respond to the crisis. Prophets of Ronen, who had long been marginalized within the empire, gained prominence as they claimed that "The Crumbling Eclipse" was a divine signal heralding the end of an era.

As the days wore on, unusual calamities started to befall the empire. Vital trade routes were inexplicably blocked by sudden mountain collapses. Reservoirs dried up, rivers flowed backward, and even the mightiest of the empire's magical defenses began to falter. Revolts broke out in various provinces, fueled by a mix of desperation and a newfound belief in Ronen's prophecies.

On the seventh and final day of the eclipse, a vast, spectral figure resembling Ronen was said to appear in the sky, her spear pointing towards the empire's capital. That night, the great palace that had stood for centuries crumbled to dust, taking with it the ruling monarch and the core of Ilthor's government. When dawn broke, the sun returned to its normal hue, but the Ilthor Empire was no more.

The territories that were once part of Ilthor eventually became independent states or were absorbed by neighboring kingdoms. But the impact of "The Crumbling Eclipse" echoed through centuries. Ronen's following grew significantly, her prophets and worshipers seeing the event as both a validation and a warning: The New Dawn is not just a symbol, but a powerful, transformative reality.