Blackheart McAllister

Titles: Skinner

Domains: War

Symbol: Skinned Mask

Alignment: LE

Power Rating: Demigod

Realms: The West

In the vast and mystical pantheon of the Wild, amidst the myriad gods and goddesses, there exists a deity shrouded in darkness and fear. His name is Blackheart McAllister, but his worshippers, and even his enemies, have come to know him as Skinner. As a god of unparalleled brutality and cruelty, Skinner's domain lies in the realm known as The West.

The lore surrounding Skinner speaks of a god who personifies the darkest aspects of the human psyche. He is a force that revels in the macabre, finding pleasure in the grotesque and the suffering of others. With a penchant for mercilessly flaying the flesh of his enemies, his symbol takes the form of a skinned mask—a chilling reminder of his grim artistry.

According to ancient tales, Skinner was not always a god. Long ago, he was a mortal man whose soul was consumed by darkness. Driven by insatiable bloodlust and an insidious desire for power, he delved into forbidden realms of magic and sacrifice, consorting with demonic forces to elevate himself to godhood.

Through his cruel acts and relentless pursuit of dominance, Skinner caught the attention of the divine powers of the Wild. They were both captivated and repelled by his monstrous deeds, recognizing the potential for his dark essence to become a force that could both terrorize and serve as a cautionary tale.

Thus, Skinner ascended to godhood, becoming the embodiment of savagery and horror. His realm, The West, is a desolate and nightmarish landscape, haunted by perpetual darkness and twisted manifestations of his wicked power. It is said that those who wander into his domain never return, their souls condemned to eternal torment within the shadows.

Skinner's followers, a secretive and feared cult, revere him as the ultimate purveyor of justice, albeit through a twisted lens. They believe that by embracing his gruesome teachings, they can channel his power and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Their rituals often involve the wearing of skinned masks and gruesome acts of self-mutilation, all in tribute to their dark god.

Legends warn of Skinner's wrath, cautioning that his vengeance is swift and unforgiving. His enemies, those who dare to oppose him, are subjected to unspeakable horrors, their skins torn from their bodies in a sadistic display of power. The tales of his brutality echo through the ages, leaving even the boldest warriors trembling in fear at the mere mention of his name.

In the Wild pantheon, the dark and mysterious god known as Skinner, Blackheart McAllister, stands as a chilling testament to the depths of human depravity. His presence serves as a stark reminder that even among gods, the most terrifying and malevolent forces can rise from the darkest corners of the mortal soul.