Sinister Kane

Titles: Vengeful Scorn

Domains: Blood

Symbol: Silver Brass Knuckles

Alignment: NE

Power Rating: Demigod

Realms: The West

His name is Sinister Kane, but among mortals, he is known as Vengeful Scorn. Sinister Kane stands tall, towering over others at an imposing height of 7'6", a testament to his formidable nature. As the God of Blood, he embodies the raw power and unyielding thirst for vengeance that courses through the veins of humanity. His symbol, a set of silver brass knuckles, represents the merciless force he wields to mete out justice and carry out his merciless tasks.

Born from the realm called The West, Sinister Kane has transcended his mortal origins to become a deity feared and respected by both mortals and gods alike. He is a relentless and ruthless mercenary, willing to take any target without hesitation or remorse. His services are available to the highest bidder, irrespective of their affiliations or moral standing. Vengeful Scorn is the embodiment of the darkest aspects of justice, driven by a personal code that demands satisfaction for perceived wrongs.

Legends surrounding Sinister Kane paint a picture of a god consumed by a relentless thirst for vengeance. He has become an instrument of divine retribution, an enforcer of balance within the realms. Mortals and deities alike approach him with caution, aware that crossing his path could lead to their own downfall. Sinister Kane's methods are brutal and unforgiving, his actions leaving a trail of blood and broken souls in his wake.

While Sinister Kane's motives are driven by vengeance, his pursuit of justice remains guided by an unwavering sense of his own code. He serves as a reminder that sometimes the harshest measures are necessary to maintain order and restore equilibrium. The silver brass knuckles, his symbol, reflect the forceful and unyielding nature of his divine retribution, serving as a warning to those who would dare challenge his authority.

The followers of Vengeful Scorn, known as Bloodbounds, revere him as a figure of both fear and reverence. They recognize the necessity of his ruthless pursuit of "justice", striving to emulate his unwavering resolve and unrelenting determination. Their rituals often involve bloodletting and acts of sacrifice, seeking to align themselves with Sinister Kane's unyielding pursuit of vengeance.

In the realm of The West, Sinister Kane, the God of Blood, looms as a specter of divine retribution. His towering presence and ruthless nature command respect and fear in equal measure. Mortals whisper tales of his merciless exploits, cautioning against drawing his attention, for his wrath knows no bounds.

Legend warns that when Vengeful Scorn sets his sights on a target, there is no escaping his relentless pursuit. Those who find themselves marked by his silver brass knuckles are fated to face the full force of his vengeful fury. Sinister Kane serves as a reminder that even the most ruthless actions have consequences, and the blood spilled in the pursuit of justice can never be washed away.