
Titles: The Warden of the Wild

Domains: Nature

Symbol: Oak Tree Holding the Moon

Alignment: LG

Power Rating: Intermediate

Realms: Oerth

Sylvaroo is a magnificent sight, embodying the might and grace of nature itself. His tall frame is reminiscent of a sturdy oak, while his skin bears the texture and colors of aged bark. The antlers that rise from his forehead signify his dominion over the wild creatures of the woods. His eyes shimmer like the stars, and his flowing white beard is intertwined with leaves, flowers, and vines. Around him, the very air seems to hum with the vibrancy of life.

Sylvaroo has existed since the first seeds took root in the world's soils. He has watched forests rise and fall, creatures evolve, and rivers change their courses. As the eternal protector of nature, he ensures the balance of ecosystems and acts as a guardian against those who would harm the earth's sanctity. Legends say that every oak tree is a child of Sylvaroo, and they stand as sentinels, guarding the wild places of the world.

Worshipers: Druids, rangers, herbalists, farmers, wood elves, and all who respect and live in harmony with nature.

The Greening of the Barren Lands – An age when vast territories lay wasted by wars and destructive magics. Sylvaroo intervened, causing a miraculous rebirth of forests, meadows, and streams over decades, proving nature's resilience and indomitable spirit.

Elowen Greenmantle - A druid who once single-handedly halted the advance of an army seeking to fell an ancient forest. Recognizing her valor and dedication, Sylvaroo blessed her with powers that bridge the realms of nature and magic, making her his foremost champion among mortals.